Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Oh the life of potty training!

Not sure if other moms can chime in here, but the past year of potty training Sara has been an adventure! I am so jealous when I hear other mom's stories of potty training. 
"Girls are so easy!" 

"All I did was put you in panties. You thought they were so pretty and didn't want to mess them up that you were pretty much potty trained then."

"Elmo and a potty chart worked for my boys."
We started trying to introduce Sara to the potty when she was about 2. Zoe could already go to the potty, so why couldn't Sara? That got a little bit of her interest. We didn't push at all, but just tried to slowly encourage her to be a "big girl" and try out the potty. 

We then tried potty chart, stickers, Dora potty seat (thanks to Ms. Frances), surprises, cute panties, etc. etc. etc. All of this was working for a little while. Sara got to where she would potty at school. Then Sam came along! And one glorious morning while Mommy was feeding Sam, Sara and Daddy had a little potty run in which resulted in Sara not going at all for a full 24 hours. Then stopping all together.

A year later and lots of prayers and drama, I can officially say Sara Ellen is using the potty! And she is so happy about it. You should see her get so excited. And then announce it to her entire dance class. (Of course I really wanted to as well.)

What did it take you ask? Sara Ellen wanting to do it because her new friends at school go to the potty. With her teacher's and friends encouragement Sara is almost 100% potty trained in about a week. 

I better go ahead and start saying my prayers for patience with Sam!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sara Ellen turns 3!

It was always strange as a child to listen to your family recount the day you were born. And of course you have no idea what they are talking about, but eventually come to learn the stories as your own.

A little annoying then, but I totally understand now. I remember perfectly the day my sweet Sara Ellen was born 3 years ago. From the induction, to labor pains, to c-section...it was all so worth it and barely a memory to compare to the first time I saw her sweet face! I never knew you could be instantly attached forever to a life. While I will probably annoy Sara in the future with my stories and memories I hope she always knows how special and loved she is!

For her 3rd birthday we celebrated at A Play Place with great friends and family DORA style! It took a lot of explaining of when her birthday would finally get here...Scarlett's birthday comes first, then Alyssa's birthday, then Daddy's birthday...then Sara's birthday!

And who's comes next? "Jesus' birthday!" Can't wait to see you all there. And just ask David she insists on candles and a cake.

BEWARE...Sam is mobile!

You heard it here first!

Samuel Bennett West is now crawling. And not just a little scooting type crawling. He's been doing that for a couple of weeks. This is full out "getting it":

Yay Sam! Now don't do it anymore....please. Just stay the stationary baby for a little longer.