Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our answered school prayer

I've always heard the phrase "God works in mysterious ways". And I don't know if I agree with the word mysterious. But in many situations I am humbled that God will always provide in his own way and time.

For several months David and I prayed about the school that Sara and Sam were attending. We really felt a need to get them in a Christian environment. It became extremely important to us that they hear the word of God all day including while we were at work. We even acted ourselves and put them on waiting lists at nearby church daycare centers. And then waited.

The school we really wanted to get in to said it would probably be 6 months or more. And so we waited some more. Then one day I picked up the kids at school and the owner of Bright Beginnings came to me  and told me they were closing the school in 2 weeks. What? "Okay, God. I want my kids to go to another school, but did you really have to close this one?" I don't understand the full situation, but I know God has a master plan that I don't fully comprehend.

So we freaked out for a day or more, then started calling and praying that we could find them a great school in just a couple of weeks. After a stressful two weeks we ended up at the school that we had waited to get in to after two spots just happened to open up.

Since then Sara has been a different child. She comes home from school singing new songs and telling us what she learned and all about her new friends. Sam on the other hand is getting the discipline he needs and not so happy about it all the time.

My prayers have since been with the employees of Bright Beginnings. We all miss you!

Thank you Lord for knowing what we need and when. And please pass on your blessings to others in this situation.

Matthew 7:7-8
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

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