Monday, August 30, 2010

Making Time for What Matters Most

Conversation at my house a few weeks ago...

"Sara Ellen, can you please bring me that?" 

"No Mommy. I am too busy right now."

When does a 2 year old become too busy? I know that kids watch everything you do as well as listen to what you say. Just not sure I am ready for it! The first time Sara said this to me it was a total wake up call. And yes she has said it many times since then.

After this conversation it made me stop and think why am I so busy all the time? Am I paying attention to the things that really matter? 10 years from now will I remember that one errand I just had to get done today? Or that email I just had to send? What are my priorities?

This was just the first step in God's plan for me to start paying attention to my priorities. Last week I read an article in Awake (Jehovah's Witness magazine) that discussed this very thing.
Consider what Jesus foretold about our hurried times. He said that as this system nears its end and God's righteous new world draws near, his disciples would be busy. Doing what? Preaching this good news of God's kingdom. Jesus also said that the majority of the people would be too busy to listen. They would be preoccupied with the ordinary matters of life. He added that those who are too busy to take note of the message would suffer destruction. Matthew 24:14, 37-39; Luke 17:28;-30
I have never really stopped to read the brochures the Jehovah's witnesses put under the doors, but again all part of God's plan. Another reminder that I should have my priorities in line: my relationship with Jesus Christ, my husband, my kids, helping others...And make sure that they are in that order!

Confession...this is a huge struggle for me right now. Next time you see me running around crazy remind me of what matters most and to quit being so BUSY! 


Saturday, August 28, 2010


Feel like a terrible mother right now. A previous post gave an introduction to the West family. But I left out a very important person...

Riley, aka, Ri, good girl, first child

David and I decided about 3 years after we were married that it might be a good idea to start thinking about a family. First step...get a dog! We bought dog books, researched, researched, researched. Still didn't have a clue what kind of dog we wanted. 

Somehow came across a website of a breeder close to Decatur, AL. She had the cutest pictures of a recent litter of morkies (maltese/yorkshire terrier mix). I convinced David that we needed to just go have a look. 

Since that day he now knows to never take me to "look" at something. Because I cannot say no. Especially to puppies! So we drove back to Birmingham with Riley in a clothes basket. Read a baby name book on the way and decided on Riley. No correlation to the governor. Just liked the fact it was an Irish name. 

She has been a blessing and best friend ever since. 

Favorite memories:

-Peed in David's lap the second day we had her. I thought it was hilarious!

-Ate a party size bag of M & M's and ruined our carpet in the process of realizing dogs can't eat chocolate. 

-Fall is her favorite season. She can barrel through a pile of leaves like it's not even there.

Love you Riley!


Meet the West Family

Wish we had a theme song like the Cosby's or Full House, but we're not that special. So here's our intro...

David, aka Daddy, Pigg
Just hit the big 30 last year.  (Give him a hard time next time you see him) Enjoys BBQ competitions, cooking, eating, Food Network...see the theme. Civil Engineer by trade. Can quote Star Wars and Lord of the Rings!

Saranda, aka Mommy
Always 3 years younger than Daddy! Competing for top dork in the family with her favorite hobbies being genealogy research, Hallmark movies, sewing and work.

Sara Ellen, aka Big Sister, Sara
Turns the big 3 on October 29th. Loves being a big sister, Dora, anything princess, reading books, going to school and church. 

Samuel Bennett, aka Sam, Buddy, Bubba
Latest addition to the family. Joined the crew on March 22nd. Could definitely compete for the happiest baby ever award. Just ask anyone! Well as long as you feed him every 3 hours on the dot.