Saturday, August 28, 2010


Feel like a terrible mother right now. A previous post gave an introduction to the West family. But I left out a very important person...

Riley, aka, Ri, good girl, first child

David and I decided about 3 years after we were married that it might be a good idea to start thinking about a family. First step...get a dog! We bought dog books, researched, researched, researched. Still didn't have a clue what kind of dog we wanted. 

Somehow came across a website of a breeder close to Decatur, AL. She had the cutest pictures of a recent litter of morkies (maltese/yorkshire terrier mix). I convinced David that we needed to just go have a look. 

Since that day he now knows to never take me to "look" at something. Because I cannot say no. Especially to puppies! So we drove back to Birmingham with Riley in a clothes basket. Read a baby name book on the way and decided on Riley. No correlation to the governor. Just liked the fact it was an Irish name. 

She has been a blessing and best friend ever since. 

Favorite memories:

-Peed in David's lap the second day we had her. I thought it was hilarious!

-Ate a party size bag of M & M's and ruined our carpet in the process of realizing dogs can't eat chocolate. 

-Fall is her favorite season. She can barrel through a pile of leaves like it's not even there.

Love you Riley!


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