Saturday, August 28, 2010

Meet the West Family

Wish we had a theme song like the Cosby's or Full House, but we're not that special. So here's our intro...

David, aka Daddy, Pigg
Just hit the big 30 last year.  (Give him a hard time next time you see him) Enjoys BBQ competitions, cooking, eating, Food Network...see the theme. Civil Engineer by trade. Can quote Star Wars and Lord of the Rings!

Saranda, aka Mommy
Always 3 years younger than Daddy! Competing for top dork in the family with her favorite hobbies being genealogy research, Hallmark movies, sewing and work.

Sara Ellen, aka Big Sister, Sara
Turns the big 3 on October 29th. Loves being a big sister, Dora, anything princess, reading books, going to school and church. 

Samuel Bennett, aka Sam, Buddy, Bubba
Latest addition to the family. Joined the crew on March 22nd. Could definitely compete for the happiest baby ever award. Just ask anyone! Well as long as you feed him every 3 hours on the dot.

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