Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sam's getting BIG!

Sweet Sam turned 6 months old last week. I cannot believe he is getting so big...And when I say big I mean literally BIG!

At his check-up he weighed 21 lbs. Doesn't sound that big until I looked up the healthy range for a 6 month old: 13 to 21.1 lbs. Does that mean he is almost unhealthy? Not sure, but the doctor said he was doing well. 


Not only did Sam hit an important age, but I am also making him grow up a little too soon. Sam received his first haircut and first BAD haircut all at the same time. See picture below:

Yes it is very crooked! Unfortunately it's not just the picture. 

Sara also introduced Sam to the sandbox this week. Of course the first thing he does is take his wet hands and sticks them in the sand. Then puts both sandy hands in his mouth! Oh well. Has to eat dirt sometime. Might as well start them early. 

I thank God every day for my beautiful children. I am very blessed!


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