Monday, September 6, 2010

Sara Ellen's Big Donation

Since Mommy has been traveling a lot lately Daddy has become an expert (or noticed lack of expertise) on fixing Sara Ellen's hair. Ms. Frances knows all too well since she has been the hair dresser while I am out of town. I have to admit when a 2 year old has hair all the way down her back it can get to be a little much to handle. Been contemplating the issue for several weeks now...

The practical side of me says "cut it". The sentimental and mother side of me says "how could you cut that gorgeous hair". Especially since not many people are blessed with her hair. The whole situation made me a little sad because I thought back to MaMa. My grandmother never once cut her hair in her entire life. She always said a woman's hair is her glory. 
But if a woman has long hair, it is her glory. For long hair is given to her as a covering. 1 Corinthians 11:15
I thought a lot about this and in the end the practical side won. We cut Sara Ellen's hair on Saturday. But the glory still came through because we mailed her additional 8 inches of hair to Locks of Love today. Hopefully what God blessed Sara Ellen with will bring joy to another child.

By the way...she totally chickened out during the haircut. This is a picture of her right before they broke out the scissors. But the sucker after it was over made it so worth it!

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